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About "That Baby is No Fun"
“That Baby is No Fun” is a colorful and educational reading experience for young children crafted through the perspective of the author’s three-year-old grandson, Mellie. The humorous story-telling style helps children identify with one of the single most impacting events of their lives, the arrival of a new sibling. Children will be able to relate to the range of emotions Mellie feels as he awaits the arrival of his baby brother. The story builds from the inception through the eyes and thoughts of the precocious child. At times, he is sad, hopeful, confused, joyful and even afraid when he ponders what having a baby brother really means. Children will connect with the love and patients expressed by his father, mother and grandmother as they bond with him to ease the fears and expectations about the baby’s birth.
The story exposes readers to small aspects of Urban America and the family’s South African culture. Children from all backgrounds will be intrigued by the sounds and meanings of the terms, which are explained in the glossary. The adding of a Zulu lullaby allows them to sing in the Zulu language or in the English language translation. This delightful and educational story will make children want to read the story again and again, as well as, have the story read to them by an adult.
Nettie Thomas-Lark

The Adventures of Mellie: Book 2
The Adventures of Mellie: Book 3
The next book in the Mellie series will be based on an adventure he had with his family to the famous Kruger National Game Reserve in Johannesburg, South Africa.
This experience allowed Mellie to see the big five animals that live in Africa: the Cape buffalo, elephants, lions, leopards, and the rhino. In addition to the big five, he saw up close many other animals in the reserve. Children will be able to learn about these animals as they follow Mellie on his adventure as they drive through the reserve.
The artist Brenda Pinkston, who drew the beautiful pictures in “That Baby Is No Fun,” will follow Mellie in her drawings and painting for this book. So get ready for big bold animal pictures that children will love to see and learn about again and again.
To accompany this book there will be a coloring book featuring all of the animals the children read about in the adventure book. You can expect this book in the fall or winter of 2021.
The last book in the Mellie series begins when Mellie was five years old. He and his father flew to Johannesburg, South Africa to attend the World Cup. This adventure begins in New York. Dad and Mellie are packing luggage and preparing for their flight. Mellie is confused about the clothing his father is packing for him because it is summer in New York. As children read the story, they will find out why Dad is not packing summer clothing for their trip.
Readers can follow Mellie as he and Dad board the plane, and share the excitement he is experiencing on board the long flight. He constantly chats with passengers and his father about what he thinks about this exciting adventure. He is also happy to be seeing Gogo, (his grandmother) again. They stay with Gogo at her house in the city.
The artist, Brenda Pinkston, who drew and painted all of the scenes in the first and second Mellie adventure books, will pack and travel with them through the media of visual art. She will draw and paint them from New York to the soccer stadium where they finally experience the World Cup games. Children will even be able to see via her painting, the famous Nelson Mandela, president of South Africa, at the games. Learn about different cultures as you join Mellie on his latest adventure.

"That Baby Is No Fun" is a delightful book and a must-read for all young children worldwide. I strongly encourage parents, teachers, grandparents, and anyone taking care of children early to elementary age to share this culturally diverse book with them. The story is beautifully illustrated to capture the characters and add flavor and authenticity to the author's simplistic writing style.
Malika Salaam-Ambolley PHD
International Education Consultant

This is a delightful story depicting Mellie's mixed emotions as he deals with a new family addition. The illustrations are fun and warm, contributing to the love that is shown throughout the book.
Jean Smith, Author - Charlotte, NC
"There's No Mouse In My House" & "Grandma's Love"

"That Baby Is No Fun" is a heartwarming tale of a preschooler embracing the miracle of life; while he learns acceptance, as he welcomes his new baby brother.The colorful illustrations add to this story which captures the true essence of new life, love and family.